Monthly Archives: August 2015

Since I was a teen I loved small HI-Fis. As many other teens, money didn’t let me go as far as to have a boombox (an excellent one, though). But I kept dreaming… There are lots of choices if you search for a standard factor equipment, but very very few if you look for mini-sized […]

I have recently acquired an impressive Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel. As it’s a 30 year-old machine, it needed a complete check and servicing as you may guess. Here’s how it arrived. Not full of dust, but definitely dirty: The rollers were also disintegrated: And this is how the heads looked like. Full of dust […]

I never had seen a reel to reel machine until a few years ago. I mean, in person. I have only seen them in some books and in a few movies. My interest on them has growed in the latest years, after I discovered the incredible quality of the high-end analog audio. Many people talk […]