New cassette acquisitions for my collection

6 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I’ve recently found an interesting store at eBay from a chap that has hundreds of -mainly- sealed tapes for sale: dr Bo. I was interested in many of them to complete my collection. Some are pretty rare and difficult to find, so I went and buy some.

The prices aren’t cheap, even for less rare tapes but as I bought a lot he agreed to lower a bit the final price.

First of all I got this newly made tapes with custom made cool designs:

New tapes Dr Bo 08

This resembles the old reel designs, like the famous TEAC I often use, but this ones are made with plastic while the TEAC is made by metal discs. I love this Pioneer Design, as well as this Revox:

New tapes Dr Bo 06

I also find interesting this SONY:

New tapes Dr Bo 07

He has also designed a proper J-card for each, even using metallic inks:

New tapes Dr Bo 02

New tapes Dr Bo 05

I haven’t tested them yet but I plant to use only for their aesthetics, not for real recording. I don’t expect too much from their magnetic performance but I’ll do a quick test soon.

I also got this trio: SONY HF-S, UX-S and UX-ES from ’86. As I already got the UX-Pro, this lets me get near the complete series of type I and II. I only left the HF, HF-ES and UX.

New tapes Dr Bo 01


Also from SONY I got some rare tapes that weren’t sold in my country (Spain): JHF, EHF, SHF and HFX:

Tape SONY AHF series 01

Tape SONY AHF series 02

And those add to the ones I already have: AHF, BHF and CHF. This CHF is the very first tape I got in my life (not that one shown in this photo but another one). It’s in fact my very first mixtape that I recorded back in the late 70s with a mono desktop radio recorder.

Tape SONY AHF series 03

Here you can see all the tapes I have now from this series.

I also got a few more tapes from  SONY. Two very early HF samples from the 70s:

Tape SONY HF 70s 01

Tape SONY HF 70s 02

And a rare 1st generation type IV:

Tape SONY Metallic

Also I got a rare Nakamichi EX type II. This one is used but in very good condition. I guess it’s a TDK tape…

Tape Nakamichi EXII 01

And from TDK I got an AR-X from ’90:

Tape TDK AR-X 90

And finally a latest generation SA from year 2000:

Tape TDK SA 2003

From this model I got two, one to store and the other for testing, as I’d like to publish something about the TDK SA in the future…

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