
I’ve just received a new book published by vetroeditions in Germany about cassettes, walkmans and boomboxes, and… it’s very nice! The book explains all about the cassette culture: the cassette itself, it’s history, the walkman, the boombox… Here is a short video I made: I’m so glad that I collaborated with these guys sending them […]
There are recent news about the NAC C456 Ferromaster that I’ve received a few days ago. What’s the matter with this tape? It’s a surprising story. As you may have read here, I’ve published an analysis of this recently released tape, but the results were nothing remarcable; in fact, they were pretty mediocre. I’m pretty […]

After receiving both new tapes from my friends at Cassette Comeback I’ve started to briefly test the tapes. It’s not a thorough review but there’s the main question: how well -or not- do they perform? Let’s check it out. [UPDATE 3/12/2019] I have been informed that the NAC is preparing to “finally release their Ferromaster […]

Well, the day has finally arrived and we the community of cassette lovers have two new cassette tapes. And when I say new I mean magnetic tape being manufactured these days, not just old stock in new shells. Looking at the Ferromaster there are a couple of things that I notice. First of all, the lack […]

Yes, they finally did it. I’ve posted here the news that they were working on releasing a brand new tape nowadays. Not just a cassette shell (with the same tape), but a brand new magnetic tape. In fact, they’ve said nothing about the shell. The new tape is called FerroMaster C456 and it’s the result […]

There’s an audiophile magazine that you may not know, called TONE 2.0. In their previous issue (no. 89) they published an article about walkmans, yes! What’s best is that it’s downloadable for free!

My good friend TJ Autoreverse has been interviewed by! I didn’t knew this magazine but it seem that’s very popular out there. The video is so cool! CHECK OUT HIS INTERVIEW AT OZY I’m proud to be the guy that initiated him into walkmans and cassettes. Seeing how far is he going I can only say: […]

I wanted to start testing some cassettes beside my reviews of walkmans and decks. There’s been some activity in the magnetic tape world and it seems we will see some good news very soon, coming from NAC and RTM. So, why not testing what the NAC is actually selling? I’ve contacted them and they sent […]

For the tests and reviews I do here, I like to perform both objective and subjective tests. First ones consist in measurements in various ways. For the 2nd one I just listen to music. The question is… what songs are better? No one song is the best audio test. Some have good bass, some good […]

Yes, this friday 27th I’ll be CJ’ing again at Cara B pub in Barcelona with cassettes and walkmans. Yes, you read well: with cassettes and walkmans! If you like analog music as well as 70s and 80s pop, rock and pop/rock music, then you just got a plan for this friday! See you there!