
I have some news to tell you: New Walkman Archive Facebook page is online Yes, friends, finally I decided to spread the words on walkmans, cassettes, decks, boomboxes and ll that in this social network. My aim is to spread to more people and to serve as a platform to share as quickly as […]

Not long ago I got a copy of Pink Floyd’s dark side moon album, MFSL edition. The sound is fantastic; I’d say better than vinyl. The only problem is that if I try to play it back on the D6C, for example, it doesn’t sound good. Speed goes up and it sounds really weird. This […]
I’ve found via Renzgi at Stereo2go forums that the famous very first version of the SONY TPS-L2 ‘guys & dolls’ is shown at Pawn Stars TV show. Looks that it’s still for sale in their shop: I’m surprised that these units go for such a high price. Gosh! 1200$ is a lot of money for […]

I recently added two new cassette strips to my collection. One is the AIWA AD-F880 and the other is the Yamaha KX-930. I had no intention of incorporating any other AIWA since I already have two: the F800 and the XK-9000 (the highest range ever manufactured by the brand). Unfortunately, the F 800 has a […]

I’ve updated my original J-card template to a new version which includes 3 different generations: The original cassette case that was used from the very beginning to late 80s, which measures 13 mm height. The ’round’ case that was introduced in the late 80s, which measures 12 mm height. The Slim case that was introduced […]

I’ve just found a nice page that shows a wonderful book made only with music covers from custom made J-cards, mixtapes and CDs. Actually is made here in Catalonia where I live, which made me double happy. I love to watch such tape art, really. I’d spend countless hours looking to every one of these […]
I always was particularly more interested in noise reduction: dolby B, C, S, dbx… it has fascinated me over years. I’m preparing a thorough, in-depth article about it where I’ll explain all details about that. But, in the meantime I just found this nice explanation of Dolby system and I think it’s worth to watch […]

I must confess reading this article made me think I must be an important person… or at least I have a somewhat relevant website. None of them are true, but I bet the latter is closer. Yes, The Hollywood Reporter published an article and they made several references as “according to Walkman-Archive…”. Gosh! If someone told me […]

I’ve just published my in-depth review of this my wonderful machine. Check it out! PIONEER CT-F1250 Full review

I’m proud to announce that I’ve just added a new guest article, this time by Marian Mihok: SONY DD Series step-by-step repair guide for dummies It’s a stet-by-step repair guide, aimed to explain how to replace the in-famous broken center gear of most SONY DD models. If your DD does some sort of ‘clack-clack’ while […]