Category : Cassettes

This week I had to visit Madrid for work and met a guy that is also a cassette fan. He took me to the ‘La Cassetteria‘, a very curious cassette label that also has a store where they sell their own releases as well as old cassettes, new launches and even walkmans and decks. He […]

I’m glad to show you today the new section in my website: Document Archive In this section I will share many documents that were published back in the days, mainly in US magazines but also in another places. You just need an updated browser to access all the documentation in PDF format that is […]

[post in spanish about an interview that a radio station has done to me in spanish] Hoy me ha hecho mucha ilusión que me entrevisten en la radio RAC1, concretamente en la más popular por estas tierras (Catalunya) y concretamente en el programa de más éxito, el de Toni Clapès, ‘Versió RAC1’. Emma Aixalà, la […]

You have probably read some articles by big news companies ‘warning’ people that cassettes are back. I’ve linked some here. And you probably noticed that most of them blame on the same things again and again: cassettes are obsolete, they sound like crap, they are a non-sense, the make a mess sticking to the roller… […]

This friday started the International Disco Fair at Barcelona, like every year, and I went to see which vinyls and cassettes I could find. It’s a nice fair, though expensive as you have to pay 6€ to enter, no matter if you buy or not. After some searching I found some, though it wasn’t easy: […]

I’ve recently bought a box of these cassettes because once I saw them, I thought I had to have them! They are really cool. My two sons also love them and ‘stole’ me a pair for their collection Regarding sound quality they are not anything formidable but at least they are not like those cheap […]

I found this while watching my wall in facebook and I was suprised not just for seeing how casettes are gaining interest over the mass population, but also because that Pioneer CT-F1250 and that hand are actually mines! Yes, that’s from my video of the Awesome mix from the Guardians of the galaxy movie: This […]

I’ve created a new video for my channel. Unfortunately, Youtube has blocked it due to the new 13th EU rule, so I cannot publish it… there. I was encouraged to make this video after seeing videos from @Oswaldo Martinez and others. In this video I show you how I record a vinyl on an excellent tape. It’s […]
There are recent news about the NAC C456 Ferromaster that I’ve received a few days ago. What’s the matter with this tape? It’s a surprising story. As you may have read here, I’ve published an analysis of this recently released tape, but the results were nothing remarcable; in fact, they were pretty mediocre. I’m pretty […]

After receiving both new tapes from my friends at Cassette Comeback I’ve started to briefly test the tapes. It’s not a thorough review but there’s the main question: how well -or not- do they perform? Let’s check it out. [UPDATE 3/12/2019] I have been informed that the NAC is preparing to “finally release their Ferromaster […]