Category : Decks

Well, finally after many weeks of [sporadic] work I could finish my new Guide to excellent recordings which represents the part II of my previous guide to good recordings. On this new guide I cover many new aspects, getting deeper in the techniques of recording with: quality of the cables Muting sound of all open […]

Every cassette fan loves to record tapes. Sooner or later many of them want to do good recordings, and with a decent 3-head deck it comes the necessity to adjust the bias for a particular tape. But… what is bias and how should it be adjusted? Learn how in this video:

I want to share with you my experience with Alex Nikitin, the technician from A.N.T. Audio in the UK. I wanted a Pioneer CT-F1250 since some time ago, but knowing that it’s a rather old deck I knew that it would need a definitely good servicing, so I consider sending to him. In fact, after founding one […]

I have recently acquired an impressive Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel. As it’s a 30 year-old machine, it needed a complete check and servicing as you may guess. Here’s how it arrived. Not full of dust, but definitely dirty: The rollers were also disintegrated: And this is how the heads looked like. Full of dust […]

I never had seen a reel to reel machine until a few years ago. I mean, in person. I have only seen them in some books and in a few movies. My interest on them has growed in the latest years, after I discovered the incredible quality of the high-end analog audio. Many people talk […]

I want to share with you something that I found interesting. User ‘Vince666‘ from Tapeheads has built an interesting CD for performing deck calibration. If you have a good 3-head deck and you like to do good recordings, you probably know that adjusting bias for a particular type of tape is a must. Some advanced and […]

I have just published a complete guide showing how to properly record music on to a cassette from digital sources (like MP3, Spotify…) with good quality. All presented step-by-step, aimed for newbies that want to learn the entire process starting from zero knowledge. The complete guide to make good recordings (on cassette) I hope […]

I’ve recently added a new gem to my collection: the AIWA AD-WX909, which is a very special deck. It’s a dual deck that combines a standard, 2-head deck on the left and a more advanced 3-head deck on the right. As far as I know, it’s an unique model as there’s no other deck like […]

I’ve acquired recently a legendary Dragon. I’m so excited about it; it’s a dream deck. This is a photo I’ve took after unboxing it: It is in 9,5/10 cosmetic condition and 10/10 working condition. I bought it from a british seller who explained me that he took it to service to Nakamichi’s official service in […]

I finally managed to buy a Marantz PMD430 in the last weeks. It’s in excellent condition, with very few use. The first impression is definitely worse than the SONY D5 Pro II. Specially if you have a mint D5, like me. The SONY looks solid like a rock, and precision is felt in every corner. […]