Category : MP3

But now, 22 years later, the MP3 truly is dead, according to the people who invented it. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, a division of the state-funded German research institution that bankrolled the MP3’s development in the late ’80s, recently announced that its “licensing program for certain MP3 related patents and software of Technicolor and Fraunhofer IIS has […]

No, it’s not a super-ultra-high-end player as you may be thinking, it’s the absolute opposite: the very first and most basic player ever. The Saehan Mpman was indeed the very first MP3 player in the history and had very basic features: just play, stop, next and previous song. And a mere 32MB capacity. Yes, you read […]

It is very common to hear bad critizism to the MP3 format in audiophile circles, specially in analog audio circles. I have a quite big collection of mp3 music and I think a have quite good knowledge about the format and how to build good mp3 files. I’ve heard bad, very bad, good and excellent […]

Collecting walkmans is great. I love tapes and walkmans and almost anything related to them. But, aside from collecting them I like to collect also rare accesories, like the dbx portable decoder: Also, apart from ‘standard’ walkmans, I like other type of walkmans, like DCC (Digital Compact Cassette, a very unsucessful standard for digital tapes). […]

Today, 1st of october, but 30 yrs ago started to arrive the CD player to the stores, and the decline of the walkman era began. An excellent spanish blog has published a small article about that and they published a photo of my collection, where you can see almost every musical portable player in this 30 years. […]

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