Category : Walkmans

This past weekend has been definitely a date to put a mark in the calendar. I don’t remember to have such a great time recently… I was CJ’ing myself for the first time in my life! Yes, I’m CJ Walkman Archive (CJ for Cassette Jockey) since then 😉 The party had place in the new […]

My friend and also owner of Stereo2go forums with me (and other two friends) was interviewed a few days ago, as I already published. But this time a TV show (in spanish) called Vodafone Yu has called him and asked to travel to Madrid and go to their show, live, to show off their walkmans and […]

I want to re-publish some of my best posts in the old Stereo2Go forum that I did since 2010 qhen I first joined the community, and here’s the first one: Some of the SONY’s most elegant players This article will be permanently accessible through the new ‘Featured’ menu.

This is a translation of an article published at Tentaciones EL PAIS, a very well known magazine in Spain. By Anonimo García. “You have to stop the stigma of the tapes. They can sound even better than a vinyl.” With this sentence Lorenzo Charlez, after whom TJ Autoreverse is hidden, begins a lit defense of […]

Getting good information about recording techniques on magnetic tape is difficult. All that comes from an era where Internet didn’t exist and sharing information wasn’t as easy as nowadays. So finding a though book that explains in detail many good techniques is indeed an excellent find. This book talks about good recording techniques, as well […]
I have been told about this video. I don’t know who Tony Hawk is but seems he’s very famous in the US because of his excellent skating. Well I don’t care about skating but I found interesting that this guy also collects old gadgets and he has a wonderful AIWA HS-J08 in black.

A few months ago Paul, the original owner of Stereo2go decided to close it down. I stepped ahead and decided to get it with the help of three friends. Finally the forums kept alive and we are enjoying it now. But the old platform caused a huge loss of users and we wanted to change. […]

I enjoyed GOTG movie, but I admit it was mostly by the fact the main character was using a walkman. A SONY TPS-L2 to be exact. What most of us (collectors) didn’t like so much is that this movie pushed the prices of this model like a rocket into the sky… Now Marvel has released the […]

I’ve been noticed that FNAC is running a small contest in Instagram here in my country, undert the tag @BorronycuentanuevaFNAC (something like reset and start over). You just have to publish a photo of a vintage item and tag them. I’ve already sent my photo and I’m hoping some of you, fellow followers and Instagram users […]

I went to the beach and I took my beloved Super-DD9 with me. Since last year, I decided to take my walkman and tapes on holidays, rather than using my phone or my laptop. I enjoy listening to my tapes far more than streaming/digital files. Now this is my DD9 with a tape with some […]