Tag : 2nd hand

This friday started the International Disco Fair at Barcelona, like every year, and I went to see which vinyls and cassettes I could find. It’s a nice fair, though expensive as you have to pay 6€ to enter, no matter if you buy or not. After some searching I found some, though it wasn’t easy: […]

Recently I went to Els Encants, a very big flea market here in Barcelona. It’s a very well organized place, very big, with lot of stuff and small stores selling their 2nd hand stuff. There are some antique stores and even a vinyl store. And the typical rubbish men with almost everything you can think […]

Here’s another store with nice mini stacks (actually this store is closed for rearrangement):

Not precious stones but yet interesting, though (view website):

Here comes another bunch of photos of another good 2nd hand store:

Here are a bunch of photos I’ve took in several visits to this good store:
Here are some photos I’ve took a while ago at Darthy store (facebook page here):