Tag : DIY

I’ve recently had some problems trying to adjust the azimuth of a walkman. The screw shows serious wear and I could not turn it, no matter which screwdriver I use, so I started to ask myself if I have the proper screwdriver. We all know that there are slot and cross screwdriver, but do you know which […]

I’ve just seen this online template and could’n wait to share with all of you. It’s an awesome job by Blaines Murphy The template works into the browser so there’s no need to have Microsoft Word or anything like that. You just have to fill up the text you want, upload the image and you’re […]

Not long ago I got a copy of Pink Floyd’s dark side moon album, MFSL edition. The sound is fantastic; I’d say better than vinyl. The only problem is that if I try to play it back on the D6C, for example, it doesn’t sound good. Speed goes up and it sounds really weird. This […]

While listening to one of the most extraordinary tapes ever made, the TDK MA-XG, I had a very bad experience: the tape was eaten by one deck of a friend that I’ve just got repaired. I was very surprised because the deck was working perfectly, the rollers and capstans were totally clean, so I couldn’t […]

I received at home my old beloved boombox that I’ve had when I was a teen: the AIWA CSD-SR6. I bought this boombox back in 1991, just before I started studying in the university. I’ve had a nice Hitachi 3DS75 and I really was searching for a big -but still portable- improvement. And I found this […]