Tag : Dolby C

I know, I know, cassettes can sound great! But you know, many people out there (and even here) do think that they suck and sound horribly, but cassettes scale very well with your gear. And if you use excellent gear, even a very old tape can sound great. To demonstrate that, I’ve made a video […]

Some time ago I was offered one of this beast. A friend of mine, who has a wide collection of decks as well as an astounding music room (see it here) had this one and didn’t want to keep it anymore. It was in perfect cosmetic condition but it required a though and deep work […]
In this video my friend Mat, aka Techmoan, shows many things about cassettes. I absolutely love this video, and I think it’s one of the best out there. Not only it explains many things very cleverly, it is also a pleasure to watch to. It’s probably my favorite one of his videos. Remember that if […]

I went to the beach and I took my beloved Super-DD9 with me. Since last year, I decided to take my walkman and tapes on holidays, rather than using my phone or my laptop. I enjoy listening to my tapes far more than streaming/digital files. Now this is my DD9 with a tape with some […]

After some years since I’ve published my latest walkman review, the PX101, I’m finally back with a new review. I know some of you were waiting for new content but my work, family and kids didn’t let me have the time to face the effort. Also I became more and more interested in where are […]

I have recently acquired one of those rare beauties in the boombox history: the Panasonic RX-DT9. This beast was the top-of-the-line model in this brand’s history, the most advanced and powerful (well, behind the RX-A2 monster). It’s so advanced that it can compete with many mini-HIFIs and it probably sounds better and has a lot […]

Hello and welcome to another of my reviews! This should be an interesting read for most of you here I think. Not just because it is about analog but also because for the first time I can honestly say portable audio is more than just comparable to what we’re usually accustomed to hear from full-size […]