Tag : Dolby S
In this video my friend Mat, aka Techmoan, shows many things about cassettes. I absolutely love this video, and I think it’s one of the best out there. Not only it explains many things very cleverly, it is also a pleasure to watch to. It’s probably my favorite one of his videos. Remember that if […]

Some months ago I got, thanks to a bit of luck, the most sophisticated deck AIWA ever released, the XK-S9000. I still remember to watch and drool while seeing this piece of beauty in the brochure that I still have saved since 1992. I always wondered how much better can it sound compared to my […]

I’m always been a fan of SONY products since 1986. I loved the quality of their materials, the design and the good mechanics. Since their ugly acquisition of AIWA and the huge fails with the advent of the MP3 I’m not a fan of SONY anymore. But no one can say bad things about their […]