Tag : Mixtapes

I recently started a thread at S2G forums where I search some someone that wants to exchange some rock. I love rock (specially hard and alternative rock) and wanted to swap. After some work, I ended up with a list of songs that I’ve recorded on a 90 min tape. First I recorded them in […]

I’ve recently received another mixtape, this time came from the UK. In fact it was part of a mixtape swapping with Pioneer collector user from Tapeheads. I sent him a copy of my Wild Acoustic Analog Experience mixtape that I recorded into a master UX Pro tape. It’s great when the postman calls to your door […]

After my first experiences swapping mixtapes with other cassette fans around the world (as far as it goes, I’ve sent tapes to the Nederlands, UK and Canada) now an interesting idea was grown in Tapeheads forum. Actually, in Nando‘s head 😉 This is what Nando purposed: A new idea and something any mix tape artist […]

In this video I explain nothing in particular, but simply show all my stack at “full power” while I’m dubbing a mixtape. The original tape was recorded in the Technics B965 (an UX-Pro) with dbx, using vinyl as source, as I already explained if earlier posts. Now you can hear it playing and being recorded in […]

Tonight I’m recording my first mixtape for swapping, which will be 100% analog, from vinyl discs. After carefully preparing the song list and deeply cleaning the discs it’s time for recording. So this is the real joy: listening to good music with the highest quality from vinyl at night… with a cup of good wine (Rene […]

After receiving a mixtape from the Nederlands recently I -obviously- started to make my first one (well, I’ve made a lot of them but for me or for friends in the real world, not for internet friends) which will go to Miles in that country. I don’t want to release all the details because surprise […]

As I explained a few days ago, I received a mixtape from Miracle Mile Tapeheads user. Here goes my review of it: The cassette chosen was a SONY UX-S from ’94, which is indeed a very good tape. The music is from electronic genre. The whole tape is a one-track mix that suggest a world […]

There is a group of enthusiasts at Tapeheads that enjoy making mixtapes and ship through the world to others members. I enjoyed watching and reading their experiences and could not stop myself joining the group. I wanted to make mixtapes for others too and swap with friends in other countries. Miles quickly replied me and offered to send […]