Tag : Party

Well, walkman parties are back! After several years I finally found a pub suitable to perform this again so please put this in your calendar: may 31, 22h at El Coleccionista at Barcelona I’ll be CJ’ing (Cassette Jockeying) with my walkmans all 80s music in full analog glory! As in other times, I’ll be playing […]

We have some good news: this friday there’s a new cassette party at Zaragoza, Spain. It will be driven by my good friend TJ Autoreverse, which has one of the world’s biggest walkman collection in the world, with around 1.100 walkmans. He will use his D6C, some DD (DD33, DD30) and some modern SONY from […]

Yes, this friday 27th I’ll be CJ’ing again at Cara B pub in Barcelona with cassettes and walkmans. Yes, you read well: with cassettes and walkmans! If you like analog music as well as 70s and 80s pop, rock and pop/rock music, then you just got a plan for this friday! See you there!

Yes friends, I’ll be CJ’ing in the next months again here at Barcelona. If you are going to stay somewhere near, plese put a mark in your calendar 😉 June 23th. I’ll be CJ’ing with cassettes and walkmans at El col·leccionista, Barcelona. View in Maps. CANCELLED! June 30th, at sala Apolo, Barcelona, into the Cassette Culture […]

Past saturday I went to Cara B Barcelona (view in Maps) to relive the cassette sound. I’ve put my cup and became CJ Walkman Archive for one night, and played with cassettes and walkmans! The pub was bigger than the previous one I’ve went to and the sound was also much better. Because of monday being holidays, there came […]

Yes, dear friends, in 9th of march I’ll be CJ’ing (cassette jockeying) at L’Entresol pub at Barcelona.The pub is not big but it is cool. I’ll be playing good music mainly from the 80s, but also from the 70s and the 90s: pop-rock, disco, rock, hard rock and a few other styles at night, from 22h to […]

This past weekend has been definitely a date to put a mark in the calendar. I don’t remember to have such a great time recently… I was CJ’ing myself for the first time in my life! Yes, I’m CJ Walkman Archive (CJ for Cassette Jockey) since then 😉 The party had place in the new […]

Last year my good friend Lorenzo, aka ‘TJ Autoreverse’ ran what was probably the very first cassette party in our country, and maybe the world’s first party driven with… walkmans! If you wasn’t aware of that, you may read my post about it. Now we are in 2017 and we’re preparing a new one, this […]

I’m excited to share you a story of passion and bravery. Passion for cassettes, walkmans and music. Bravery for wanting to do something that he never did before: being a DJ but with cassettes and walkmans. That’s what my friend Lorenzo , which is now called ‘TJ Autoreverse’, (TJ as Tape Jockey) did. Considering that […]