Tag : Pioneer

I know, I know, cassettes can sound great! But you know, many people out there (and even here) do think that they suck and sound horribly, but cassettes scale very well with your gear. And if you use excellent gear, even a very old tape can sound great. To demonstrate that, I’ve made a video […]

Back in the 80s I bought my first prerecorded cassettes (which in my country were called ‘musicassette‘), mainly from hard rock bands like AC/DC and a few others. I always thought that musicassettes sound well, sometimes a bit better that my own recordings with my own boombox, but not much better. My knowledge about sound […]
Double decks have been the king of the hill for the late 80s and almost the entire 90s. Everyone had one of these at home or in the boombox. But there were a few decks that could carry with up to 5 and even 6 cassettes inside. These decks could do a 10-hour playing session without […]

In this video I explain nothing in particular, but simply show all my stack at “full power” while I’m dubbing a mixtape. The original tape was recorded in the Technics B965 (an UX-Pro) with dbx, using vinyl as source, as I already explained if earlier posts. Now you can hear it playing and being recorded in […]

After some request, I decided to make a video showing my entire deck collection. So I put all them together in the same table and connected most of the to the audio chain. From left to right and up to down, here are the decks: Pioneer CT-F1250 This deck was their top of the […]

Thanks to my friends at WERNER Music, the most exclusive hi-end store at Barcelona, I discovered that there exist a high quality reel tape of the most famous soundtracks from John Williams, and I was completely blowed-out! These reels were encoded with Dolby B. They were kind enough to put this reel on their TEAC […]

Once I received my ‘Super-DC2’ from Dr Walkman recently, I had the idea to start a series of videos showing the real difference between some walkmans and other players, like I did with the turntable versus CD. In this video you can hear the real difference between a CD played in a good Discman versus […]

I want to share with you my experience with Alex Nikitin, the technician from A.N.T. Audio in the UK. I wanted a Pioneer CT-F1250 since some time ago, but knowing that it’s a rather old deck I knew that it would need a definitely good servicing, so I consider sending to him. In fact, after founding one […]

I have recently acquired an impressive Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel. As it’s a 30 year-old machine, it needed a complete check and servicing as you may guess. Here’s how it arrived. Not full of dust, but definitely dirty: The rollers were also disintegrated: And this is how the heads looked like. Full of dust […]

I never had seen a reel to reel machine until a few years ago. I mean, in person. I have only seen them in some books and in a few movies. My interest on them has growed in the latest years, after I discovered the incredible quality of the high-end analog audio. Many people talk […]