Tag : RTM

On 6th of march, Recording The Masters announced their new project, which consists in releasing a new walkman. Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking: are they gonna release another cheap walkman like those rubbish chinese stuff? Well, that’s not exactly the idea. What they want to release is a good walkman, one that sounds well, […]

After receiving both new tapes from my friends at Cassette Comeback I’ve started to briefly test the tapes. It’s not a thorough review but there’s the main question: how well -or not- do they perform? Let’s check it out. [UPDATE 3/12/2019] I have been informed that the NAC is preparing to “finally release their Ferromaster […]

Well, the day has finally arrived and we the community of cassette lovers have two new cassette tapes. And when I say new I mean magnetic tape being manufactured these days, not just old stock in new shells. Looking at the Ferromaster there are a couple of things that I notice. First of all, the lack […]

You maybe don’t know about Recording the Masters, a company in France that is making new magnetic tape. I recently published a quick note about De Bandjesfabriek that is preparing to sell this new tape in the Nederlands. Well, recently there was the Munich High end Show where they were showing his new tape (just […]