Tag : SONY

I’ve created a new video for my channel. Unfortunately, Youtube has blocked it due to the new 13th EU rule, so I cannot publish it… there. I was encouraged to make this video after seeing videos from @Oswaldo Martinez and others. In this video I show you how I record a vinyl on an excellent tape. It’s […]

Yes, in july 1, 1979, SONY presented to the world the TPS-L2 that will change it. They weren’t aware of how much that product will change the way we listen to music, but they indeed changed it, forever. Yes, the one you can see above is the famous “Guys & Dolls” unit that was the […]

I was contacted a few months ago by Mitchell Preston, responsible for content publishing at this museum. They were preparing an article about Paul Barclay, a BBC journalist that used to use cassettes to record interviews back in the days. He had a SONY WM-D6C but no photos of it. And, guess what? Yes, they […]

These are the latest cassettes that I’ve added to my collection. Some of them I found in a flea market and the UCX-S was a gift from my friend Mankamaz. I’ve never seen one of this tapes in my country: In fact I wasn’t even aware that they existed. Same for this one: I bet […]
I’ve found via Renzgi at Stereo2go forums that the famous very first version of the SONY TPS-L2 ‘guys & dolls’ is shown at Pawn Stars TV show. Looks that it’s still for sale in their shop: https://gspawn.com/1979-sony-walkman-stereo-cassette-player-tps-l2-guys-dolls-version/ I’m surprised that these units go for such a high price. Gosh! 1200$ is a lot of money for […]

I must confess reading this article made me think I must be an important person… or at least I have a somewhat relevant website. None of them are true, but I bet the latter is closer. Yes, The Hollywood Reporter published an article and they made several references as “according to Walkman-Archive…”. Gosh! If someone told me […]

I’m proud to announce that I’ve just added a new guest article, this time by Marian Mihok: SONY DD Series step-by-step repair guide for dummies It’s a stet-by-step repair guide, aimed to explain how to replace the in-famous broken center gear of most SONY DD models. If your DD does some sort of ‘clack-clack’ while […]
I’ll always prefer a real cassette-based one, but I guess there’s space in the market for something like this…
I’ve recently seen this video that I found funny and I’d like to share with you:

Some time ago I managed to get a shiny SONY WM-701S, the famous silver version of the famous too WM-701C, that I reviewed here. This was an anniversary model, and only 2000 units were released for the entire world. I was excited to see how beautiful this silver walkman was, and I was delighted about […]