Tag : SONY

Well I’m using my new DD case and it’s just very nice and convenient. I attach it to my belt when I go out for a walk, it’s very convenient. Accessing to the front buttons is easy and you can almost recognize them without having to look at. The more I use it, the more I […]

This is a great day. We, the walkman fan community should be proud that one member of our community, Doublecee, has created a brand new case for DD walkmans with authentic leather. You read well: true leather, not plastic. DD walkmans are considered to be the best sounding ones out there. And I agree with […]

This past weekend has been definitely a date to put a mark in the calendar. I don’t remember to have such a great time recently… I was CJ’ing myself for the first time in my life! Yes, I’m CJ Walkman Archive (CJ for Cassette Jockey) since then 😉 The party had place in the new […]

My friend and also owner of Stereo2go forums with me (and other two friends) was interviewed a few days ago, as I already published. But this time a TV show (in spanish) called Vodafone Yu has called him and asked to travel to Madrid and go to their show, live, to show off their walkmans and […]

I want to re-publish some of my best posts in the old Stereo2Go forum that I did since 2010 qhen I first joined the community, and here’s the first one: Some of the SONY’s most elegant players This article will be permanently accessible through the new ‘Featured’ menu.

While I was in travel for a work, I could take a walk and see some old electronic stores that still survive since the 80s and 90s. Luckily I could find some brand new, SONY sealed cassettes there… but I didn’t figure out what did I really bought until later… Then I came home with my trophies […]

In my never ending search for the perfect headphone, I bought a 2nd-hand ultra high-end Sennheiser HD800, their flagship model. It’s not only gorgeous to watch but also sounds incredibly well. This headphone represents the top-of-the-top in the circumaural (I mean: full size headphone) category. When I first heard this headphone I noticed how detailed and open it sound […]
Double decks have been the king of the hill for the late 80s and almost the entire 90s. Everyone had one of these at home or in the boombox. But there were a few decks that could carry with up to 5 and even 6Â cassettes inside. These decks could do a 10-hour playing session without […]

I went to the beach and I took my beloved Super-DD9 with me. Since last year, I decided to take my walkman and tapes on holidays, rather than using my phone or my laptop. I enjoy listening to my tapes far more than streaming/digital files. Now this is my DD9 with a tape with some […]

I’m always been a fan of SONY products since 1986. I loved the quality of their materials, the design and the good mechanics. Since their ugly acquisition of AIWA and the huge fails with the advent of the MP3 I’m not a fan of SONY anymore. But no one can say bad things about their […]