Tag : SONY

I’ve recently added to my collection a very interesting set of quite old SONY tapes. According to the vintage cassette website, they are from 1978-1981 years. I still remember when I first got attracted by music and cassettes, back in those years when I was about 8 years old, my father had those red […]

I saw Guardians of the Galaxy this summer. I was curious to see a walkman in a modern Hollywood movie, and I can say I enjoyed the movie, as well as the walkman and the tape that can be seen in it. In this movie, a walkman and a mixtape plays a special role. NOTE: […]

Moved to the Featured section: The Series (IV): Green Walkmans

Hello and welcome to another of my reviews! This should be an interesting read for most of you here I think. Not just because it is about analog but also because for the first time I can honestly say portable audio is more than just comparable to what we’re usually accustomed to hear from full-size […]

Collecting walkmans is great. I love tapes and walkmans and almost anything related to them. But, aside from collecting them I like to collect also rare accesories, like the dbx portable decoder: Also, apart from ‘standard’ walkmans, I like other type of walkmans, like DCC (Digital Compact Cassette, a very unsucessful standard for digital tapes). […]

Today, 1st of october, but 30 yrs ago started to arrive the CD player to the stores, and the decline of the walkman era began. An excellent spanish blog has published a small article about that and they published a photo of my collection, where you can see almost every musical portable player in this 30 years. […]

Today I was digging in my collection to find my most weird walkmans. I mean: those walkmans that are very particular because of a strange design or a feature. And this is what I found: 10 models that are definitely strange. I sorted them by their “weird score” (IMHO). Here they are: in 10th position […]

I finally managed to buy a Marantz PMD430 in the last weeks. It’s in excellent condition, with very few use. The first impression is definitely worse than the SONY D5 Pro II. Specially if you have a mint D5, like me. The SONY looks solid like a rock, and precision is felt in every corner. […]

Moved to the Featured section: The series (III): Blue walkmans

I recently got one of this decks and I’m pretty impressed about it’s quality. It surpasses any other gadget I ever seen (probably in my entire life) in terms of build quality. Such attention paid to every detail is far gone these days. The design of the fron panel is simply beautiful, one of the […]