Tag : TEAC

TASCAM has released a new cassette deck; is that a reason to become happy? Well, let’s see… The new CD-A580 is an hybrid model that combines a CD player, and USB player and a single deck. That sounds great: a new deck released in 2017. It’s been almost 20 years without any release at all! […]

In this video I explain nothing in particular, but simply show all my stack at “full power” while I’m dubbing a mixtape. The original tape was recorded in the Technics B965 (an UX-Pro) with dbx, using vinyl as source, as I already explained if earlier posts. Now you can hear it playing and being recorded in […]

After some request, I decided to make a video showing my entire deck collection. So I put all them together in the same table and connected most of the to the audio chain. From left to right and up to down, here are the decks: Pioneer CT-F1250 This deck was their top of the […]