Name |
Description |
Pocket calculator show |
A big site with many information about
walkmans and other devices, with forum. |
Walkman central |
A nice site with lots of information about
SONY Walkmans |
Guide to decks and tape trading |
A good guide to learn all about tapes. |
SONY design history |
The history of SONY's designs | |
A big site, all about tapes, decks, walkmans
and headphones, with forums. |
Vintage cassette |
A comprehensive site with huge information
about decks of all brands. |
Head-fi |
A good and big site about headphones,with
forums. |
Vintage cassettes |
A comprehensive site with info about so
many cassettes of all brands. |
SONY sound history |
An espectacular site with info about many
SONY's headphones |
The blank tape gallery |
A site with information about tapes (archive,
history and technique). |
AudioIdiots |
A huge site with catalogue scans |
Complete SONY Walkman line |
A site with excellent information about
almost every walkman released by SONY. |
SONY Links by MucStevve |
A list of interesting links to walkman and gadgets pages. |
Rotovator's page |
A very interesting page from a collector in Spain who has a huge collection of decks. |